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In the early days of the Town of Fort Lupton, fires were fought by various residents of the community. Fire buckets and ladders were situated around the town near community pumps. A bucket brigade was used to combat fires. As the town developed a water system, two-wheeled hose carts were purchased to replace the fire buckets. The first report of a fire was reported in the Rocky Mountain News on November 8, 1867 when a fire destroyed 75 tons of hay, 240 bushels of grain, 9 pigs, and 30 chickens.

In 1898, the town saw a need for a fire protection and a small group started the fire department. A meeting was held on December 1, 1898 with a large community attendance. H. Burton was elected the first Fire Chief, V. A. Simons was named Captain, and E. K. Smith was appointed Secretary. A committee was formed to consider fundraising and purchase of apparatus. In 1908, the department was formally named the Fort Lupton Fire Department. Following a large fire at the St. Johns building (4th and Denver), a bell was installed to summon the firefighters. From 1908 until 1920’s the phone operator would notify the one Town Marshal of an emergency call by turning on a light bulb that hung over the street at Fourth and Denver Avenue. He would then notify the fire department by ringing the bell atop the fire station. The Fire Chief at the time was John McKissick. In 1912, the Department Constitution and By-Laws were adopted.

The first truck was Ford Model “T” purchased in 1916. This unit served the community until it was replaced with a Model “A” in 1930. In 1936, a front mount pump was installed on the Model “A”. This truck is still in the department and was refurbished in 2001. The number of trucks and equipment for the department has continued to grow since 1943. In the 1940s, the siren was used to notify the department of calls. The firefighters would call the phone operator when they heard the siren and tell her the color of the month and they would get the information of the call.

In April 1950, the fire department purchased a lot at the corner of Fourth Street and Park Avenue for the construction of a new firehouse. Funds to build the station were generated through the Firemen’s Ball as well as borrowing money from the pension fund and construction was expected to cost about $8000.00. Ground was broken on June 7, 1950. In 1951, the Fort Lupton Fire Protection District was formed under a Special District. This included the surrounding area of the Town of Fort Lupton. The District Board of Directors was George Friertag, Everett Hogelin, Fred Whitney, Sr. Bill Scott, and Orvin Bennett. With this formation, a new fire station was built by the firefighters at Fourth Street and Park Avenue. A rescue truck was added in 1960. In 1955, radio communications were installed in the all of the fire units. In the late 1950s Vetter Mortuary had a 24-hour answering service and they would set off the fire siren for the next four years. Eloise Ware was then hired by the Fort Lupton Answering Service and took emergency calls dispatching the firefighters to the calls until the late 1980’s. On March 1, 1988, the fire siren was no longer used to signify an emergency call due to the new technology of voice pagers. The siren during the 1970s and 1980s was used to notify residents of curfew and water shortages.

In 1977, the Fire Protection District purchased the Whitney Building located at 1121 Denver Avenue. This became the new home for the fire department. It was remodeled to house the expanding department.

In 1982, there was an arson fire at the Ben Franklin store in the 300 hundred block of Denver Avenue. The Gambles Store was also received minor damage. The case was never prosecuted as the evidence was tainted when someone broke into Colorado Bureau of Investigations.

In 1985, Larry Richardson was hired as the Fire Marshal. In 1987, Nona Schaefer was hired as Administrative Secretary to the Board. In 1988, Brad Brown was hired as the maintenance person. In the late 1980’s, the development of Computer Aided Dispatch came into the works the dispatching service was transferred to the Fort Lupton Fire Department.

On June 30, 1992, another large fire and explosion occurred at Super S Market 230 Denver Avenue, the fire burned for 12 hours. The fire, of suspicious origin, was never prosecuted.

In August 1998, American La France Engine 2 was sold to Bill Salmon of Poudre Fire for donation to Cozumel, Mexico Fire Department.

In 1999, the new Fort Lupton Fire Protection District Patch that was designed by Firefighter Ben Ibarra was accepted by the membership.

On May 20, 2001, the Department and the Community mourns the loss of 24-year-old Captain Denny Mintle Jr. He was a three-year veteran of the department and passed away suddenly from an apparent medical condition. In 2004, the statue of Denny was placed at the front entry of Station #1. The statue was a donation by his mother Dort Mintle.

In 2002, ADCOM took over dispatch as the City of Fort Lupton could no longer fund the required staffing and costs of equipment for the dispatch center. On September 11, 2002, the Fire Department honored those lives lost during the 9/11/01 tragedy. The 1907 fire bell above the station rang for the first time in many memories.

On October 23, 2003, the Fire District broke ground for Station 2 and Training Center located at 2999 9th Street. This project included a five bay station, six dorm style-sleeping quarters, weight room, training center with a lecture hall, and five-story burn tower. This 8 million dollar bond was well received by the community as evidenced by a vote of the community. The open house was completed on September 18, 2004. Approximately four hundred community members came out to the program and dedication ceremony. On December 28, 2004, the department officially began running calls from this location.

In 2004, as part of the bond, a 100-foot Pierce Platform truck was also purchased to be placed at Station 2. This city was now in a time of growth and the Fire District wants to prepare for the future.

On December 1, 2004, the District’s first career Fire Chief, Phil Tiffany, started duty. This day also identified as the first day of dispatching through Weld County Regional Communications Center on the new 800 MHz radio system. The Santiago’s Mexican Restaurant caught fire and the inside was totally destroyed.

On July 21, 2005, the District Board approved the hiring of the District’s first two career Firefighters and Training Captain.

On November 1, 2005, Captain Taw Tamlin and Firefighters Christopher Cross and Adam Sarazen begin employment as the District’s first career firefighters.

On February 20, 2006, Ben Ibarra was hired to complete a day crew of three firefighters. On March 7, 2006, eight reserves were sworn in to begin help with the Reserve Shift Program.

In September 2006, the Fire District purchased a flashover simulator from Loveland Fire to assist in training firefighter for the signs and conditions of flashover.

On March 31, 2007, the District loses 385 acres of the District along WCR 19 between WCR 14 and WCR 16 to Frederick Firestone as it was annexed into the city limits of Frederick after the completion of a demand energy facility.

In April 2007, Union Pacific looks to develop a large portion of property from WCR 10 to WCR 4.5 for a rail switchyard and intermodal facility. This project ultimately was abandoned by RTD.

On January 7, 2008, four additional firefighters, Troy Norby, Staughton McCann, Corey Ceretto, and Ken Rosales begin covering the District 24 hours per day seven days a week. They are assigned to Station 2 and run two person crews. In this same month, RTD decides against placing the Union Pacific intermodal and switch rail yard in the Ft. Lupton area.

On December 16, 2008, a fire and explosion rocked the Spindle/DCP Midstream gas plant on WCR 19. The fire was extinguished after several hours. One employee was injured in the blast that caused over one million in damages.

On January 16, 2009, Fire Marshal Larry Richardson retires from the Fire District after a combined 45 years of volunteer and career service. 

In February 2009, a 20 year Master Plan and comprehensive Plan was completed by Emergency Services Consulting Inc. Many recommendations were made to guide the future development of the Fire District.

February 12, 2012 the District Board of Directors announces that they would propose a 3.25 mill levy increase to the community at the May 8, 2012 election and request that the De Brucing that will expire at the end of 2014 be extended indefinitely without a cost to taxpayers. The tax impact of the mill levy measure would be approximately $2.16 per month for a home with a taxable value of $100,000.00.

May 14, 2012, the Fort Lupton Fire Protection District was awarded a $33,000.00 grant by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment-Waste Tire Prevention Funding to purchase 6 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), masks and spare bottles, at a cost of $5,500.00 each.

July 2012, the Fire District Board  approves the Station 1 Renovation plan. This includes a remodel of Station 1 to include sleeping quarters for 10 firefighters and new community room.

November 2, 2012, Executive Secretary Nona Schaefer retires after 25 years of a service and honored at a community gathering for her dedicated service by family and friends. Administrative Assistant Allyson was promoted to the position of Executive Secretary. Rayna Martinez was hired for the Administrative Assistant position.

December 27, 2012, the District Board of Directors selected TC 2 as the General Contractor for the Station 1 remodel and renovation project. Their bid came in the lowest at $1,270,393.00.

February 16, 2013, Firefighter Ken Rosales was presented with his 20 years of service ring for his years of service to the community as a volunteer firefighter and Assistant Chief Gordon Alexander was recognized for his 29 years of service to the community as a volunteer firefighter. Past Chief Ron Ceretto, Chris Ceretto, and Dee Tamlin were recognized for their service to the Citizens for FLFD citizen group.

August 24, 2013,grand Re-Opening Ceremony for Station 1. Over 300 citizens attend the ceremony and on September 9, 2013 begins a new era of Emergency Services for the fire district as Station 1 was staffed with two firefighting personnel to reduce response times and increased coverage for multiple calls.

On September 12, 2013, a major rainfall occurs for three days causing a significant flood throughout Weld County. Firefighters are forced to rescue several people from flood waters and deal with over 25 incidents during the day. The swift water trailer is deployed to Frederick, Milliken, Johnstown, Evans, and Greeley to perform boat rescues of over 12 people stranded due to flood waters.


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