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Denny Mintle Adam I Community Service Award


A monochrome photo of Denny Mintle  Smiling
Denny Mintle : August 18, 1976 - May 20, 2001

This annual award is in memory of Denny Leo Mintle

The loss of Denny is not only the family’s or our loss; the community lost a great person who just happened to be a great firefighter. We cared for and loved Denny as a brother firefighter. He made us laugh and brought us together as one group. He passed away way to soon from an apparent seizure as he slept. We honor his contributions to the department and the community with this award.

Denny Mintle Adam I Community Service Award                                                                     

This award has been established to recognize a volunteer member, District Board Member, or employee of the Fire District for outstanding service to the community and District. The nominee shall have performed above and beyond the required duties of their position at the Fire District. The qualifications include, but are not limited to, response to calls, community participation, mentoring of fellow employees, continued outstanding service, continued self-improvement, the person is respected throughout the organization and community, possesses strong family values, participates in volunteer work within the community, and possessing a positive attitude. This person is an asset to the District as well as the community.

A current volunteer, employee, or District Board Member is eligible to receive this award and must be nominated in written form. The nomination can be written by anyone but must be sponsored and submitted by a current Command Officer or a member of the Mintle Family (Father, Mother, or sibling). The letter of recommendation shall include a brief history of the individual and the supporting information for the nomination. The Command Officers shall then select their recommendation by a majority vote. In the instance of a tie, the Fire Chief will cast the tie-breaking vote. The award shall be presented at the annual awards banquet. Due to the high standard for the honor of this award, it may not be presented on an annual basis

• 2001 – Denny Mintle• 2002 – John Bangert
• 2003 – Taw Tamlin• 2004 – Jim Coursey
• 2005 – Chris Cross• 2006 – Gordon Alexander
• 2007 – John McWilliams• 2009 – Shaun Austin
• 2010 – Chris Ceretto• 2012 – Josh Tapia
• 2013 – James May• 2014 – Kenneth Rosales
• 2015 – Bill Onken• 2017 – Phil Tiffany
• 2018 – Troy Norby• 2019 – Nick Spendlow
• 2021 – Mike Dittman
Bronze firefighter statue of Denny Mintle outside Station 1
                                      "I Can See The Light And I Will Always Shine Down On You."


// Gives all iframes a generic title